Sunday, March 06, 2005

Good News

I was all day at work again today. But i really don't work that much, usually twice a week. Then i go to school. But hey, God told me something cool today in the bible. In II Corinthians it sais "for power is perfected in weakness." =) isn't that great?! cuz i was feeling down wit my issues. But God's gonna do AWESOME things with my life. And He's gonna do it through my issues. To prove that its His grace and His power. Because He loves me. AWE YEAH baby! ;)


Blogger Euangelion said...

What the hell Jose, you don't have issues! Based apon my observations of the young adult group, you have the least issues amoung us. Anyways it's my job to analyze everyones issues, espicially my own. So stop stealing my job!!!

8:51 PM


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